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NHS Entitlements (including information on abortions and fertility treatments)

Free services

GP and nurse consultations in primary care, treatment provided by a GP and other primary care services are free of charge to all whether registering with a GP as an NHS patient.

For secondary care services, the UK’s healthcare system is residence-based. This means that you must be living lawfully in the UK on a properly settled basis to be entitled to free healthcare.

The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 and government guidance on overseas visitors hospital charging regulations outline the NHS services that are currently free of charge irrespective of an overseas visitor’s country of normal residence (as long as they have not travelled to the UK for the purpose of seeking that treatment). These services are:

·        accident and emergency services, such as those provided at an A&E department, walk-in centre, minor injuries unit or urgent care centre (not including emergency services provided after being admitted as an inpatient, or at a follow-up outpatient appointment, for which charges must be levied unless the overseas visitor is exempt)

·        services provided for the diagnosis and treatment of some communicable diseases, including HIV, TB and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

·        NHS services provided for COVID-19 investigation, diagnosis and treatment

·        services provided for diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections

·        family planning services (does not include termination of pregnancy or infertility treatment)

·        services for treating a physical or mental condition caused by torture, female genital mutilation, domestic violence or sexual violence

·        palliative care services provided by a registered palliative care charity or a community interest company

·        services that are provided as part of the NHS 111 telephone advice line

GP services

Anyone in England can register and consult with a GP without charge.

GPs are self-employed and have contracts with NHS England to provide services for the NHS.

An application to join a practice can only be refused if the practice has reasonable grounds for doing so. A practice cannot refuse an application on the grounds of medical condition or any protected characteristics:

·        age

·        disability

·        gender reassignment

·        marriage and civil partnership

·        pregnancy and maternity

·        race

·        religion or belief

·        sex

·        sexual orientation

The practice will ask the patient to complete a GMS1 form as part of their application to register. The practice will ask people who are not ordinarily resident in the UK to complete supplementary questions. These questions ask for details of the patient’s valid non-UK EHIC or S1 form. If applicable these questions also ask if the patient considers themselves to be exempt from charge for NHS secondary care services, should these be needed

Find out more about your entitlements for NHS Treatment, including information on abortions and fertility treatments by watching this short video.